Thursday, March 7, 2013

Review: Out & Equal at Work: From Closet to Corner Office

Out & Equal at Work: From Closet to Corner Office
Out & Equal at Work: From Closet to Corner Office by 36 LGBT Professionals and Ally Executives

My rating: 0 of 5 stars

Book Info: Genre: Self-help/GLBT workplace issues
Reading Level: Adults
Recommended for: Anyone who wants to understand better the sorts of issues GLBTQ people go through in the workplaces, GLBTQ people
Trigger Warnings: Discrimination

My Thoughts: Please note: this is not a review of the full book, but of an excerpt I was provided as a reviewer. From the excerpts, it appears that each of the essays is written by a person who is involved in their company in various ways to make it safer for GLBTQ people to come out and be open in the office. Each provides an example of why they choose to takes these steps, and how they went about, and how it worked out, or is working out. Some are GLBTQ themselves, some are straight but supportive. It is obviously well edited, or at least the segments I saw were well edited.

I am uncomfortable providing a rating without having read the whole book. I had received a galley from NetGalley, but my Kindle disappeared, so I have no way to check to see if that was the whole book. Until such a time as I can read the whole book, I cannot assign a rating to this text, but I can recommend that if these issues interest you, you should definitely check out this book and these various essays for more information.

Blog Tour: I recently took part in a blog tour for this book. You can view a guest post from Selisse Berry and some information about Out & Equal Workplace Advocates and the book by clicking the links (where formatting allowed) in this paragraph.

Disclosure: I was provided a galley with a short excerpt from the book from JKS communications, the book's publicists, in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Synopsis: A major transformation is happening in today’s workplace. This groundbreaking anthology chronicles personal narratives from lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and allied executive trailblazers who have conquered adversity and ushered in policies that affirm and support the LGBT community in the workplace. Out & Equal at Work profiles an advocacy organization located at the intersection of the private sector and the broader social movement: Out & Equal Workplace Advocates, and its visionary Founding Executive Director, Selisse Berry.

View all my reviews


  1. Do you still want a copy of the book for review? If so, please get in touch with me at Thanks!

    1. I do have it, JKS sent it to me at the same time as they sent the copy to the giveaway winner. Just haven't had time to dive into it again! Thanks so much for the offer, it's just me being buried like normal :-)


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